Episode 80. G sneezes on my dog in this episode. How messed up is that?
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Want to Rejuvenate your legacy Rails application? Call Mocra as your first-choice team, led by Dr Nic. Mocra loves code, loves users, and they want to help you. Mention this advert to qualify for our largest discount consulting rate immediately. Check out Mocra.com for more info.
NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
Show Notes
- Ruby 1.8.6 Maintenance Transition
- VIM Ruby Debugger
- Autotest and Vim integration
- Scotland On Rails Presentations
- LA Rubyconf videos up
Alternative to Multiruby
- out of time (mat brown on programming) - Installing alternate Ruby versions as optional packages
- out of time (mat brown on programming) - A 15-line alternative to multiruby
- externals - manage your external git dependancies
- Parallel Specs
EngineYard: 5 Tips to Scale Your Rails App
- 5 Tips to Scale Your Ruby on Rails Application | Union Station
- RailsLab .:. Scaling Rails
- CurbFU
- TATFT Mousepad
- Secret URLs in Rails
- RubyTrends
- Ruby on Rails Plugins | AgileWebDevelopment
- Dear Railsists, Please don't be obtrusive
- Family Tree using Graphviz and Ruby
- Importing Mephisto Comments into Disqus
- Agile Ajax: Fixture Replacement Comparison
- Barometer
Toronto Ruby Job Fair
- FutureRuby
- employment.nil?
- Ruby Currying
- UC Berkeley 1 day ruby on rails tutorial videos
- Ruby One-Click Installer Plegie
- Injet and the Mandelbrot Set
- Mac Friendly Autotest
Last week at the Orlando Ruby Users Group we had two great speakers. First up we had Thomas Meeks talking about Eucalyptus, which allows you to create your own private cloud (think Amazon EC2 on your own hardware). Secondly Tyler Hunt talked about Chef, a Ruby DSL for system configuration.
I managed to film the talks, which you can see below, and also create an iTunes Video Podcast feed if you want to keep track of when new videos are released from our group. Then again you could also just subscribe to the RSS Feed on the ORUG blog if you want to keep up with what we’re up to over here in Orlando.
View Eucalyptus Video
View Chef Video

Lastly, we’re always looking for more sponsors for the meetings to cover food and stuff, so please drop me a line if you’re looking to market your product or service to Rails Developers.
Episode 79. We mess up a lot but it's funny.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~18:00 mins MP3.
Subscribe to feed via RSS by copying the link to your RSS Reader

Want to Rejuvenate your legacy Rails application? Call Mocra as your first-choice team, led by Dr Nic. Mocra loves code, loves users, and they want to help you. Mention this advert to qualify for our largest discount consulting rate immediately. Check out Mocra.com for more info.
NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Ruby VM Roundup
- Blather - XMPP DSL for Ruby
- Queueing with RabbitMQ and AMQP
- What to Expect in Rails 3.0 - Free Webcast
- SMS On Rails
Ri_Cal gem for iCalender Integration
- InfoQ: RiCal: A New iCalendar Library for Ruby
- rubyredrick's ri_cal at master - GitHub
- Build Games in Ruby using Rubygame
- Ocra: One-Click Ruby Application Builder
- Job_fu - Simple Asychronous Processing
- Ruby http require
- Rails Magazine Issue #2 - Rails 2019 Report
Rails Testing Frequently Asked Questions
- Agile Ajax » Rails Testing Frequently Asked Questions — The Non-Code Version » Pathfinder Development
- Rails Prescriptions
- TorqueBox - Rails on JBoss
- Dan Croak's Twitter Search Gem
- 10 Reasons You Should Be Listening to the Rails Envy Podcast
- Thoughtbot: Thunder Thimble
- Fixing Threads in Ruby 1.8: A 2-10x performance boost
- Fix a bug in Ruby’s configure.in and get a ~30% performance boost.
- 6 Line EventMachine Bugfix = 2x faster GC, +1300% requests/sec
Episode 78. Another great episode of Ruby/Rails News. FYI, sorry the audio quality is a little off this week, but hopefully we'll be back up to par next week.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:00 mins MP3.
Subscribe to feed via RSS by copying the link to your RSS Reader
Harvest is a web-based time tracking and invoicing application dedicated to helping freelancers and developers easily track hours and get paid faster. Use coupon code RAILSENVY428 for $10 off the first month of service with Harvest.
NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Nimble Method: The future of Rails is Ruby 1.9 - real performance of 1.8, JRuby and 1.9 compared
- API Throttling Middleware
Tokyo Cache Cow
- Tokyo Cabinet: Beyond Key-Value Store - igvita.com
- joshbuddy's tokyo_cache_cow at master - GitHub
- libcraigscrape - Craigslist Scraping
- Delocalize Plugin for Rails
- A better progress meter for your Ruby Scripts
- Http in Ruby with Typhoeus
- Ruby Toolbox
Melt Your Brain!
- XMPP4R: XMPP/Jabber Library for Ruby
- tmm1's amqp at master - GitHub
- ezmobius's nanite at master - GitHub
- Write a 32-line chat client using Ruby, AMQP & EventMachine (and a GUI using Shoes)
- Github Pages for Fun and Win
- Maptimize Google Map Helper
- Spree Open Source Cart 0.8.0 Released
- Spree 0.8 released
- Blue Ridge Javascript Testing Framework from Relevance
Here it is, Railsconf in 34 minutes. We’ve got some great speakers on video here including Charles Nutter, Ilya Grigorik, Jim Weirich, Matt Aimonetti, Michael Koziarski, Neal Ford, Obie Fernandez, Scott Chacon, Yehuda Katz, David Chelimsky, Aslak Hellesøy, Chris Wanstrath, and David Heinemeier Hansson .. amongst many others.
View Video on Viddler
This Railsconf video is sponsored by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
Looking for more video? Check out my videos from Tutorial Day, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
At Railsconf 2019 the guys over at Phusion released Rubystein, a Wolfenstein clone written in Ruby. I managed to track down Ninh Bui to give us a video walk through, and the following video was played at Railsconf before the Wednesday Keynote.
View on Blip.tv
Get the source on Github, and play it yourself.