Do you have Rails Envy?

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. With over two years creating web applications using Ruby on Rails we can help plan your intervention.

Our company can help you with

Web application design and development
We love taking creative ideas and building them into successful websites. We have over 200 dog years experience creating web applications.
Code review, oversight, and optimization
We'd be happy to take a look at any existing Ruby on Rails application and give you full report on how it can be improved and optimized. Nobody's code is perfect (including ours), but getting a second opinion can really help.
Specialized training
We're available to come and train you/your team on Ruby / Ruby on Rails. See our speaking page for more details.
Beer drinking
If you have beer that needs drinking, we have the solution for you!

Think you'd like to drink with us? Check out some of the stuff we've done or just contact us.


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