Ruby on Rails Rake Tutorial (aka. How rake turned me into an alcoholic)
by g on Jun 11, 2017
As a Rails developer you're probably familiar with running "rake" to run your tests or maybe you've used "rake db:migrate" to run your migrations. But do you really understand what's going on under the hood of these Rake tasks? Did you realize that you can write your own tasks or create your own library of useful Rake files?

Here are a few examples of how I've used Rake tasks:
- Pulling a list of members to send out an email.
- Doing nightly data calculations and reporting.
- Expiring and regenerating caches.
- Making backups of my database and subversion repository.
- Running any sort of data manipulation script.
- Pouring drinks to get a good buzz on.
In this article we're going to discover why Rake was created, and how it can help our Rails applications. By the end you should be able to write your own tasks, and learn how to get piss drunk using rake in no less then three steps.
This article is also available in French, Russian, Chinese, Polish, and Spanish.
Table of Contents
- Why make, a retrospective?
- How did we get Rake?
- How does Rake work?
- How do Rake dependancies work?
- How do I document my Rake tasks?
- Rake Namespaces
- How do I write useful Ruby Tasks?
- How do I write Rake tasks for my Rails application?
- Can I access my Rails Models inside a Task?
- Where can I find more examples?
Why make, a retrospective?
In order to understand why we have Rake, we first need to take a look at Rake's older grandpa Make.
Travel with me for a moment back to the olden days when every piece of code had to be compiled, before interpreted languages and iPhones roamed the Earth.

Back then when you downloaded large programs they came as a bunch of raw source code and a shell script. This shell script would contain every line of code needed by your computer to compile/link/build the application. You'd run "" (the shell script), each line of code would then run (typically compiling each source file), and out would pop an executable you could run.
This worked fine for most people, except if you were one of the unlucky few developing the program. Every time you made a small change to the source and wanted to test it, you would have to rerun the shell script which would then recompile everything. Obviously this could take a long time with large programs.

Stuart Feldman
In 1977 (the year I was born) Stuart Feldman at Bell Labs invented "Make", which solved the problem of these long compile times. Make is used to compile programs just the same, with two big advances:
- Make can recognize which files/source changed since the last time the application was compiled. Using this information it will only compile the modified source files the second time Make is run. This dramatically reduces the time involved in recompiling a large program.
- Make also contains dependency tracking so you can tell the compiler that "Source File A" requires "Source File B" to compile properly, and "Source File B" requires "Source File C" to compile properly. Thus, if Make wants to compile "Source File A" and "Source File B" is not yet compiled, the system compiles B first.
It should also be explained that "Make" is simply an executable program like "dir" or "ls". In order for make to understand how to compile a program, a "makefile" needs to be created which references all the source and dependencies. "makefiles" have their own cryptic syntax which you don't need to know about.
Over the years Make has evolved and other programming languages even started using it. In fact, many Ruby coders used it before rake came along.
"But Ruby doesn't have to get compiled, so why would Ruby programmers use it?" I hear you exclaim.
Yes, Ruby is an interpreted language and we don't compile our code, so why were Ruby coders using Make files?
Well, for two big reasons:
- Task creation - With every large application you almost always end up writing scripts that you can run from the command line. You might want to clear the cache, run a maintenance task, or migrate the database. Rather than creating 10 separate shell scripts (or one big complex one) you can create a single "Makefile" in which you can organize things by task. Tasks then can be run by typing something like "make stupid" (which runs the stupid task).
- Dependancy Task Tracking - When you start writing a library of maintenance tasks, you start to notice that some tasks might partially repeat themselves. For instance, the task "migrate" and the task "schema:dump" both require getting a connection to the database. I could create a task called "connect_to_database", and set both "migrate" and "schema:dump" to depend on "connect_to_database". Then the next time I run "migrate", "connect_to_database" is run before the "migrate" task is run.
How did we get Rake?
Well, a few years ago Jim Weirich was working on a Java project where he was using Make. While working with his Makefile he realized how convenient things would be if he could write small snippets of Ruby inside his makefile. So he created rake. We were lucky enough to meet Jim at Railsconf last month, and he is a really nice guy:

Jim built in the ability to create Tasks, do dependency task tracking, and even built in the same timestamp recognition (rebuild only modified source files since last compilation). Obviously this last feature is not something we often use in Ruby, since we don't compile.
I always wondered what "Jim Weirich" did, now you know too! Jim never intended to write this code, I guess he was just born into it.
So how does rake work already?

I initially wanted to title this section "How to get wasted with Rake", but well, that's not very intuitive.
Lets say I wanted to get drunk, what steps would be involved?
- Purchase alcohol
- Mix myself a drink
- Achieve drunkenness
If I wanted to use Rake to call each of these tasks, I might create a file called "Rakefile" which contains something like this:
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task :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Purchased Vodka" end task :mixDrink do puts "Mixed Fuzzy Navel" end task :getSmashed do puts "Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk?" end |
Then I can run each of these tasks from the same directory my rake file is in, kinda like this:
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$ rake purchaseAlcohol Purchased Vodka $ rake mixDrink Mixed Fuzzy Navel $ rake getSmashed Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk? |
Pretty cool! However, from a dependancy standpoint, I could run these tasks in any order. Although sometimes I wish I could "getSmashed" before I "mixDrink" or "purchaseAlcohol", this is simply not humanly possible.
So how do I express rake dependencies?
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task :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Purchased Vodka" end task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Mixed Fuzzy Navel" end task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do puts "Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk?" end |
So now I'm saying that "In order to mixDrink, I must first purchaseAlcohol", and "In order to getSmashed I must mixDrink". As you might hope, the dependancies stack, thus:
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$ rake purchaseAlcohol Purchased Vodka $ rake mixDrink Purchased Vodka Mixed Fuzzy Navel $ rake getSmashed Purchased Vodka Mixed Fuzzy Navel Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk? |

As you can see, now when I go to "getSmashed", the dependent tasks "purchaseAlcohol" and "mixDrink" get called.
After a while you might be tempted to expand your addictions, and thus expand your Rakefile. You might also be tempted to get your friends addicted. Just like a real software project, when you add people to your team, you need to make sure you have good documentation. The question becomes:
How do I document my rake tasks?
Rake comes with a very easy way to document tasks called "desc", here's how you'd use it.
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desc "This task will purchase your Vodka" task :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Purchased Vodka" end desc "This task will mix a good cocktail" task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Mixed Fuzzy Navel" end desc "This task will drink one too many" task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do puts "Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk?" end |
As you can see, each of my tasks now has a "desc". This allows me and my friends to type "rake -T" or "rake --tasks"
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$rake --tasks rake getSmashed # This task will drink one too many rake mixDrink # This task will mix a good cocktail rake purchaseAlcohol # This task will purchase your Vodka |
Pretty easy huh?
Rake Namespaces
Once you become an alcoholic and you're using lots of Rake tasks, you may need a better way to categorize them. This is where namespaces come in. If I were to use namespaces in the above example, it might look like this:
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namespace :alcoholic do desc "This task will purchase your Vodka" task :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Purchased Vodka" end desc "This task will mix a good cocktail" task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do puts "Mixed Fuzzy Navel" end desc "This task will drink one too many" task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do puts "Dood, everthing's blurry, can I halff noth'r drinnnk?" end end |
Namespaces allow you to group tasks according to category, and YES, you can have more then one namespace inside a Rakefile. Now if I do a "rake --tasks" here's what I would see:
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rake alcoholic:getSmashed # This task will drink one too many rake alcoholic:mixDrink # This task will mix a good cocktail rake alcoholic:purchaseAlcohol # This task will purchase your Vodka |
So now to run these tasks you would obviously run "rake alcoholic:getSmashed".
How do I write useful Ruby Tasks?
Well, you simply write Ruby! No kidding. Recently I needed to create a script that created a couple of directories, so I ended up creating a Rake task that looked something like this:
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desc "Create blank directories if they don't already exist" task(:create_directories) do # The folders I need to create shared_folders = ["icons","images","groups"] for folder in shared_folders # Check to see if it exists if File.exists?(folder) puts "#{folder} exists" else puts "#{folder} doesn't exist so we're creating" Dir.mkdir "#{folder}" end end end |
By default rake has access to everything you find in File Utils, but you can include anything extra you want just like you would in Ruby.
How do I write Rake tasks for my Rails application?
Rails applications come with a bunch of pre-existing rake tasks, which you can list by going to your application directory and typing "rake --tasks". If you haven't tried this yet, go do it, I'll wait....
To create new rake tasks for your Rails app, you need to go open the /lib/tasks directory (which you should already have). In this directory if you create your own Rakefile, and call it "something.rake", the tasks will automatically get picked up. These tasks will be added to the list of application rake tasks, and you can run them from the root application directory. Lets take the above example and bring it into our rails application.
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namespace :utils do desc "Create blank directories if they don't already exist" task(:create_directories) do # The folders I need to create shared_folders = ["icons","images","groups"] for folder in shared_folders # Check to see if it exists if File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder}") puts "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder} exists" else puts "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder} doesn't exist so we're creating" Dir.mkdir "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder}" end end end end |
Notice in this snippet how I was able to use #{RAILS_ROOT} to get the full path. If I now ran "rake --tasks" in my base directory application, I would see this new function intermixed will all the other rails rake tasks:
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... rake tmp:pids:clear # Clears all files in tmp/pids rake tmp:sessions:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sessions rake tmp:sockets:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sockets rake utils:create_directories # Create blank directories if they don't already exist ... |
Very cool! Now here's where it gets really useful..
Can I access my Rails Models inside a Task?
VERY YES! In fact this is what I use rake for the most: Writing tasks that I need to run manually on occasion, or ones that I'll schedule to run automatically (using cronjobs). As I said at the start of the article, I use Rake tasks for the following things:
- Pulling a list of members to send out an email.
- Doing nightly data calculations and reporting.
- Expiring and regenerating caches.
- Making backups of my database and subversion repository.
- Running any sort of data manipulation script.
Pretty darn useful, and it's easy. Here's a rake task that finds users who subscription is about to expire, and sends them an email:
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namespace :utils do desc "Finds soon to expire subscriptions and emails users" task(:send_expire_soon_emails => :environment) do # Find users to email for user in User.members_soon_to_expire puts "Emailing #{}" UserNotifier.deliver_expire_soon_notification(user) end end end |
As you can see, there is only one step to get access to your models, the "=> :environment" thing:
- task(:send_expire_soon_emails => :environment) do
To run this task on my development db I would run "rake utils:send_expire_soon_emails". If I wanted to run this on my production database, I would run "rake RAILS_ENV=production utils:send_expire_soon_emails".
If I then wanted this to run nightly on my production database at midnight, I might write a cronjob that looks something like this:
0 0 * * * cd /var/www/apps/rails_app/ && /usr/local/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=production utils:send_expire_soon_emails |
Pretty convenient!
Where can I find more examples?

Now that you know enough to start writing useful rake tasks, I figured I should leave you with a few more resources. The best way to improve your programming is to read other people's code, so a few of these are existing useful rake tasks people have written.
- These brand new rake tasks in Edge Rails create and reset your databases for you. Neato!
- Craig Ambrose wrote a Rake task to do database backups, which you can use.
- Adam Greene put together a set of Rake tasks that allow you to backup all your data to Amazon S3. He sent me an updated version of these libraries.
- Jay made a good point when he talked about testing rake tasks
- Err the blog talks about a new way of setting the RAILS_ENV and teaches how to use rake to boot you into a Mysql shell (be sure to read the comments if you browse this one).
- Last, but not least, there's the Rake Bookshelf Books and Martin Fowler's Using the Rake Build Language tutorial . Both of these are pretty thorough, but also a little dated.
You're all set! If you find any other good ones, feel free to post them in the comments.
Still reading? If you are, I wanted to let you know that we're looking for more people to write for RailsEnvy. If you have an idea for a good rails tutorial we want to hear from you! Basically we would work with you to flesh out the tutorial and help polish (acting as an editor). It could definitely be a great way to get your name out there, and start getting some hits (for your blog or company). Email G at RailsEnvy if you're interested.
Follow Up
As a follow up, I got an email from Jim a few minutes ago, explaining how I could simplify my directory creation script:
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# This is needed because the existing version of directory in Rake is slightly broken, but Jim says it'll be fixed in the next version. alias :original_directory :directory def directory(dir) original_directory dir Rake::Task[dir] end # Do the directory creation namespace :utils do task :create_directories => [ directory('public/icons'), directory('public/images'), directory('public/groups'), ] end |
Pretty cool.
Flickr Photos: eurleif, mimk
Tags: rake tutorial | permalink
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Very nice overview of Rake.
I’ll be spending more and more time on all things ruby, so it’s very nice to get overview articles to get you started on all the new stuff to learn.
Awesome stuff, G.
Excellent writeup. Once again, you guys have posted something that will be very useful to the Ruby community
A very nice article! Somehow that bit about creating directories in a loop spoils it a bit. There are rules in rake, which would suit very well for creating directories - especially a large number of them. And FileUtils for all kinds of nifty file manipulations, and MultiTasks to get you and your friends drunk simultaneously. And much more …
Actually I have been using rake compiling java and c++ software, so using the more “makish” features of rake has been a great productivity boost on its own. (before I start writing ruby helpers that is).
Hi, thanks for the nice overview. I’ve been wondering for quite some time already if it is possible to execute a Rake-task from within another one? On our project, we have 5 tables that we need to export to fixtures via a Rake task that does so. As I did not want to hard-code this one specific fixture-export, I ended up invoking rake with the specific params via `rake fixtures…`. This works, but it has one huge disadvantage, which is that the environment gets reloaded every time one of the tasks gets invoked, which means that the export of 5 simple tables takes about 2 minutes. Any ideas?
Great overview. I’m converted!
Great (and funny) overview of rake.
I use it for things too weird to be listed! ;-)
One note, you cannot access
@ unless you depend on@:environment
@And now you’re ready to get drunk :-P
this is a great article. i thought rake was made for the rails framework. so now i know i can write rake scripts to manipulate the /config files and /public files.
G, nice article. One thing I’m particularly interested in is where you mention “Expiring and regenerating caches”. Would you be ever so kind as to elaborate a little on this, maybe with an example. Thanks in advance. Dave.
Nice tutorial! You can also have rake comments using ”—” instead of “desc”
This is a great tutorial. I was using Nant just this weekend to automate a lot of continuous integration and deployment tasks because I couldn’t quite understand Rake. I’ll now go back and replace it with Rake :)
Very helpful, thanks!
GREAT tutorial! Thank you!
Thanks for the tutorial, this has convinced me even more to start using Ruby for my clients projects.
This is great stuff, and I commend you on downing 3 bottles of vodka. I can see why one might need cronjobs and rake tasks now: I imagine typing is impossible for at least 2 days after drinking that much (tip tap click clack - ouch!).
Personally I like/use ‘rant’ over ‘rake’ but one would hope that the two build systems could merge in the future.
If this is for real, about the alcoholic part, I have been sober for 22 years. Not an easy road but I give him credit if he got sober
awesome tutorial! Two little questions stand out for me, though:
1 - why do you need require File.expand_path(File.dirname(FILE) + ”/../../config/environment”)? I have a couple of rake files that access models, and all I needed to do was making the task extend env (:bla => :environment)...
2 - I wonder how do you pass parameters to the rake tasks…?
interesting article.
Heh, I use rake to do such weird things as transcoding and building DVD images. Entirely too nerdy, I know, but I do. :->
Excellent. Time say good bye to those clunky croned rails actions. Leaning Rails first makes it easy to simply ‘not know’ about things like this. Thanks.
Great writeup G. The bottles, drunken pictures, and photos of rakes adds to the magical fun of Ruby Rake. Especially drunken monkeys with a rake. Have to have the drunken monkey.
Nice tutorial. One of the better ones we’ve seen. Posted in our Ruby section. Feel free to bookmark future ones.
Did you try this:
Does that force an environment reload as well?
Superb write up and I enjoyed the history lesson. I owe many thanks to Mr. Weirich.
@bex and in answer to my own question: I’ve actually managed to find out how you can call other tasks from a running one: Simply do Rake::Task[“my-sub-task”].invoke If you want to pass command-line params, set ENV[“MY_PARAM_NAME”] to the value you would have given it on the shell.
Here is russian translation of this article: