memcached, interview, and database scaling
by gregg on Feb 19, 2009
As I mentioned last week, I recently produced out a bunch of free Scaling Rails screencasts with the help of New Relic. We released seven of these last week, and today I’m happy to announce the release of two more.

What’s awesome about memcached not only object caching, but how it can help you avoid cache expiration. Cache expiration just sucks, so you really won’t want to miss this screencast. FYI, these screencasts look awesome on an iPhone.
Next week we’ll be releasing Client-side caching and Advanced HTTP Caching, and the week after the interview with Jesse Taylor and Jim Gochee with additional discussion on Rails Deployment and RPM Advanced Features. So don’t forget to subscribe to the screencast RSS feed or grab it on ITunes to avoid missing any of the episodes.
Lastly, the Rails Envy team is currently looking for work, so if your Rails project needs an experienced hand feel free to drop us a line. Not only do we provide development services, but we also do code reviews and training. Drop us a line we’d love to chat with you.
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