Ruby on Rails vs .NET #2
by gregg on Oct 09, 2007
And without further ado, the final "Ruby on Rails vs" commercial:
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by gregg on Oct 09, 2007
And without further ado, the final "Ruby on Rails vs" commercial:
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by gregg on Oct 03, 2007
Sorry for the delay, but here is the first video that was premiered at Railsconf Europe. The series just didn't feel complete without touching briefly on ColdFusion.
In case you haven't noticed Jason and I started a weekly Podcast yesterday which covers all things Ruby / Rails. If you're interested in keeping on the edge of technology, it's definitely worth subscribing.
The very last Ruby on Rails vs ____ video will be released Monday, and it's a second .NET commercial that you won't want to miss.
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by gregg on Sep 10, 2007
This weekend Jason and I had the pleasure of attending the Lone Star Ruby Conference where we decided to premiere the video below:
Thanks again to Jason Hawkins from for the video production and Erika Greco for the Rails Envy logo.
Spoiler Alert! - After taking a good look at Django and weighing all the pros/cons, I didn't really think we should make fun of it. Django is a great framework for building web applications, one that employs many of the same techniques that Ruby on Rails does. If it wasn't for Rails I'd probably be programming Django right now. Amongst a sea of mediocre web frameworks it's definitely close to the top.
We have two more videos to release during Railsconf Europe (although we won't be in attendance), so stay tuned. We were going to save this one for last because, as you'll see, it's rather out there. We hope you like it.
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by Jason on Aug 24, 2007
During the last round of videos, we got quite a few emails about the unfair comparisons we were doing between PHP and Ruby on Rails. You know, PHP is a language and Ruby on Rails is a framework. Don't worry, everyone, we're listening. Here we are with ad #6 in the series: Ruby on Rails vs PHP. Enjoy.
If you like this one, check out our Ruby on Rails vs .NET commercial we released on Thursday.
Just like all of the others, this video was produced by Jason Hawkins and that beautiful Rails Envy logo was done by Erika Greco.
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by gregg on Aug 23, 2007
Jason and I are currently in Chicago for Rails Edge where today we just premiered a new Rails commercial produced by Jason Hawkins. We will be releasing 5 commercials over the next month, 2 .NET, 1 PHP, 1 Cold Fusion, and 1 DJango. Don't worry, after these few we're all done, so don't spam us about how you're sick of mac ad parodies.
If you don't get the "OOPS" reference you should really watch Creating a Weblog in 15 minutes, a screencast by DHH which will give you a glimpse at the power of Ruby on Rails. Stay tuned, we'll be releasing one more during RailsEdge tomorrow.
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by gregg on May 21, 2007
And lastly, here is the 4th and final commercial in the series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present:
Click here to view on YouTube
Thanks to all of those we met at Railsconf, and thanks again to Jason over at Make. Film. Work. for the great video work.
We are planning on filming a few more "Mac vs PC" Parodies before we put it to rest, so be sure to Subscribe to our RSS feed if you haven't. Also, if you have any ideas on what you'd like to see in these new Ads, definitely send us a line (Suggestions at
P.S. Yes, we know PHP has tools that will allow it to do Relational Database Mapping. It's just too bad not all PHP applications start with this built in (as Rails does).
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by Jason on May 16, 2007
Here we are with the third commercial in the series(Part 1, Part 2) where we continue with the PHP guy. Apologies to all 3 of you who were hoping for Fortan.
Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present:
We just wanted to say thanks again to Jason over at Make. Film. Work. for the great video work.
We're also really sorry but we had to turn on moderation for comments because of all the trolling. We're just having fun, guys, try not to take it too seriously. Except for the part where we say that Ruby on Rails can beat up your dad, because it can.
On a serious note, though, we're not trying to bash any frameworks or languages... We know PHP has frameworks that allow for organization like Rails as well as database abstraction and OR mapping. We believe in using the best tool for the job, what ever that may be. These videos are for FUN and are not intended to start language or framework wars. Which is why our next ones are going to be vi vs emacs. Totally kidding.
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by gregg on May 15, 2007
Yesterday we released the first of four commercials filmed in the style of the Mac vs PC ads. The rest of the ads are with the PHP guy, who looks strangely like the Java guy. ;-)
Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present:
Click here to view on YouTube
Jason and I are both pretty stoked for Railsconf in 2 days, hopefully see many of you there!
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by Jason on May 14, 2007
What do you get when you cross the Mac vs PC commercials and Rails Envy? Ruby on Rails ads to get everyone hyped for Railsconf, that's what!
Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present:
Click here to view on YouTube
We'll be releasing one every day leading up to RailsConf. Feel free to place this video in other places by using YouTube's flash snippet.
Masterfully edited and filmed by Jason Hawkins over at Make. Film. Work. Definitely get in touch with him if you need any video work done of any kind.
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