Events and Thanks
by Jason on Jun 17, 2007
We're deviating from the normal blog post routine in favor of some announcements, plugs, and links. Please leave your feedback in the comments if you'd prefer we don't make these sorts of posts anymore and just stick to the good stuff like alcohol and tutorials.
The Rails Edge

The Rails Edge conference is being put on by the Pragmatic Studio (you know, these guys) in late August and the speaker list is very impressive. It's more for sharpening your Ruby and Rails skills rather than an introduction, which is why it will be so beneficial, especially to our readers. The session list looks to have a lot of gems and they're all timed sequentially so you don't have to miss anything. We hope to see you there! From the web site:
The Rails Edge is a unique conference where we bring some of the best minds in the Rails and Ruby communities together with you in a single-track environment, so that we can all sharpen our edge. We hope you'll join us!
By attending this three day regional conference you will...
- stay on the leading edge of Ruby and Rails
- learn from industry experts leading focused talks
- catch up on the latest and greatest tips, tricks, and techniques
- chat, hack, and exchange ideas with fellow enthusiasts
- get valuable feedback about your killer app
- find out what's on the horizon of Ruby and Rails
The Rails Edge is where you come to sharpen your saw and keep up with the state of the art.
Tech Events in Orlando, Florida
Here's what's going on in our neck of the woods...
Orlando Ruby Users Group - Thursday, June 21st - 7 PM
If you live near, work near, are vacationing in, or have ever heard of Orlando, come on down and check out the Orlando Ruby Users Group, where this Thursday we have a presentation on JRuby. More information on the website. Dinner is provided.
Florida Creatives - Tomorrow! - Monday, June 18th - 6 PM
Florida Creatives is a local networking / social group that meets once a month. There are a lot of really cool, creative/technically minded people that come down (and a bunch of Rails developers).
Free Ruby on Rails Tutorial - June 27th & July 12th
Rails For All is holding a FREE two session introduction to Ruby on Rails class down at Devry University. They've even got free food!
People we'd like to thank
RailsConf was a blast this year. The Rails community is even better in person, so here's a big cheers to everyone we met while we were there. Here are a few people who we owe some kudos to:
Miles Forest interviewed us on the Rails Tumblecast.
Nicolas Cavigneaus interviewed us as well and there's video of it up over at his blog.
The Rake tutorial has been translated in to French, Russian, and Chinese by some dedicated readers. Thanks, guys! Great work.
Speaking of the Rake tutorial, Jim Weirich, the creator of Rake, posted a link to it on his blog. Thanks, Jim!
Finally, apparently these guys thought it would be funny to parody our "Hi, I'm Ruby on Rails" videos. Unoriginal Bastards.