Episode 79. We mess up a lot but it's funny.
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Want to Rejuvenate your legacy Rails application? Call Mocra as your first-choice team, led by Dr Nic. Mocra loves code, loves users, and they want to help you. Mention this advert to qualify for our largest discount consulting rate immediately. Check out Mocra.com for more info.
NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Ruby VM Roundup
- Blather - XMPP DSL for Ruby
- Queueing with RabbitMQ and AMQP
- What to Expect in Rails 3.0 - Free Webcast
- SMS On Rails
Ri_Cal gem for iCalender Integration
- InfoQ: RiCal: A New iCalendar Library for Ruby
- rubyredrick's ri_cal at master - GitHub
- Build Games in Ruby using Rubygame
- Ocra: One-Click Ruby Application Builder
- Job_fu - Simple Asychronous Processing
- Ruby http require
- Rails Magazine Issue #2 - Rails 2019 Report
Rails Testing Frequently Asked Questions
- Agile Ajax » Rails Testing Frequently Asked Questions — The Non-Code Version » Pathfinder Development
- Rails Prescriptions
- TorqueBox - Rails on JBoss
- Dan Croak's Twitter Search Gem
- 10 Reasons You Should Be Listening to the Rails Envy Podcast
- Thoughtbot: Thunder Thimble
- Fixing Threads in Ruby 1.8: A 2-10x performance boost
- Fix a bug in Ruby’s configure.in and get a ~30% performance boost.
- 6 Line EventMachine Bugfix = 2x faster GC, +1300% requests/sec
Episode 78. Another great episode of Ruby/Rails News. FYI, sorry the audio quality is a little off this week, but hopefully we'll be back up to par next week.
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Harvest is a web-based time tracking and invoicing application dedicated to helping freelancers and developers easily track hours and get paid faster. Use coupon code RAILSENVY428 for $10 off the first month of service with Harvest.
NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Nimble Method: The future of Rails is Ruby 1.9 - real performance of 1.8, JRuby and 1.9 compared
- API Throttling Middleware
Tokyo Cache Cow
- Tokyo Cabinet: Beyond Key-Value Store - igvita.com
- joshbuddy's tokyo_cache_cow at master - GitHub
- libcraigscrape - Craigslist Scraping
- Delocalize Plugin for Rails
- A better progress meter for your Ruby Scripts
- Http in Ruby with Typhoeus
- Ruby Toolbox
Melt Your Brain!
- XMPP4R: XMPP/Jabber Library for Ruby
- tmm1's amqp at master - GitHub
- ezmobius's nanite at master - GitHub
- Write a 32-line chat client using Ruby, AMQP & EventMachine (and a GUI using Shoes)
- Github Pages for Fun and Win
- Maptimize Google Map Helper
- Spree Open Source Cart 0.8.0 Released
- Spree 0.8 released
- Blue Ridge Javascript Testing Framework from Relevance
Harvest is a web-based time tracking and invoicing application dedicated to helping freelancers and developers easily track hours and get paid faster. Simple and intuitive to use, it takes care of your numbers while you focus on delivering great work. Harvest's visual reporting shows you the health of your operation at-a-glance.
Use coupon code RAILSENVY428 for $10 off the first month of service with Harvest.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
Episode 77.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:00 mins MP3.
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- Rack 1.0, a modular Ruby webserver interface
- Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.6-20190421
- Phusion Passenger 2.2.2
- D2S3 - Direct to S3 upload form Rails helper
- Getting S3 and SWFUpload to Cooperate in Rails
- Domain Specific Languages in Ruby
How to add simple Permissions into your Simple App
- How to Add Simple Permissions into Your Simple App.
- be9's acl9 - Roles Authorization Library
- Handsoap - Library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby
- ParseTree is dead on Ruby 1.9
Clearance is a Rails engine
- Clearance is a Rails engine
- Tips for writing your own Rails engine
- Dataflow: Thread-safety in Ruby
- Ruby Date Class Slows you Down? Rewrite it in C!
- Install Ruby Rails on Ubuntu 9.04 (with Nginx/Passenger)
- Rails Sever Setup + App Deployment Using Moonshine
- Garb: Access Google Analytics with Ruby
- Diamondback Ruby (DRuby)
- CruiseControl + git + xcode built
Episode 76. You'll say wow every time!
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:00 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Integrum. Integrum is a team of dedicated Rails developers who emphasize business value, speed to market, and open communitcation to build remarkable Rails applications. They build software that you've been told is impossible.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Phusion’s One Year Anniversary Gift: Phusion Passenger 2.2.0 « Phusion Corporate Blog
- jnstq's rails-nginx-passenger-ubuntu at master - GitHub
- Introducing Strongbox » Stuff… And Things…
- EdgeCase Show Off Your Mockups
- SapphireSteel :: Book of Ruby Completed: 425 pages, 300+ Sample Programs, FREE!
- Ruby tips from me, your idol - Binary Logic
- Envy Casts - Screencasts to make your friends envious
- Ruby 1.9 compatibility: a three step ladder to bliss [Article] « elc technologies
- oldmoe: Object#extend leaks memory on Ruby 1.9.1
- Progressive Caching « culann.com
- Ruby Proxies for Scale and Monitoring - igvita.com
- Rail Spikes: Benchmarking your Rails tests (updated)
- Ruby Review
- Startpage | RailsWayCon
- Multiple Attachments with Validations In Rails with Paperclip - Cordinc Blog
- AmberBit :: Ruby FLV pseudostreaming implemented using Sinatra and Rack::Evil (useful for Rails too!) :: unique web & mobile applications
- peeping into memcached :: snax
- So Dreamy | blogt✪sk1
- GitHub Issue Tracker! - GitHub
- has_many :info—canned information overload for the Ruby heads
Episode 75. Burninator edition.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~18:30 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Integrum. Integrum is a team of dedicated Rails developers who emphasize business value, speed to market, and open communitcation to build remarkable Rails applications. They build software that you've been told is impossible.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- JRuby on Rails on Google App Engine | Ola Bini: Programming Language Synchronicity
- Aissac Blog » Member Extension
- ruby gc tuning :: snax
- Ruby mocking, stubbing, and more with rr at technical.pickles
- Unlimited Novelty: Twitter: blaming Ruby for their mistakes?
- 5 Things You Don’t Know About User IDs That Will Destroy You at time to bleed by Joe Damato
- swift
- Robby on Rails : 20 articles on Cucumber and a free beverage recipe!
- Bigcurl: Running Sinatra apps on Google AppEngine (Java)
- Using Rails Metal to decouple upload from your Rails app - hacksignal ..
- Astrails Simple backups can be simple!
- Amazon.com: Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers: Antonio Cangiano: Books
- exceptional confusion - Technomancy
- has_many :through - The Week Of
Episode 74. We take a controversial side and give you the whole scoop on the Ruby vs Scala debate.*
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:30 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Integrum. Integrum is a team of dedicated Rails developers who emphasize business value, speed to market, and open communitcation to build remarkable Rails applications. They build software that you've been told is impossible.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- ChadFowler.com 20 Rails Development No-No's
- Rails framework upgrades with git-bisect
- What's an example of Ruby code that's "too clever"? - Stack Overflow
- 2019 Rubyist's guide to a Mac OS X development environment
- Deploy Tracking Added to Hoptoad
- How To: Setup RSpec, Cucumber, Webrat, RCov and Autotest on Leopard
- without_scope Flexible ActiveRecord Versioning with ActsAsRevisable
- RailsLab .:. The State of the Stack: A Ruby on Rails Benchmarking Report
- The case of ActiveRecord vs. CouchDB
- How JRuby Makes Ruby Fast
- Enumerable#every
- Deep_merge: Ruby Recursive Merging for Hashes
- 10h24min by José Valim
- Rack Screencasts: if you don't know Rack yet, you should!
- Introduction to Rack middleware :: unique web & mobile applications
- Crack, The Easiest Way to Parse XML and JSON
- Introducing Micronaut, a Lightweight BDD Framework (Or, Reinventing the Bestest Wheel Yet)
- Micronaut: Innovation Under the Hood
- Babylo for XMPP
- RubyMine Features :: Ruby on Rails IDE. Code editing, code completion, refactoring, ruby debugger. Best HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing support
- Add Optional SEO-Friendliness to link_to_remote
- 32 Rack Resources to Get You Started
- Rails Envy: Philly Emerging Tech Video
* No, we don't.
Episode 73. is subtitled "Somewhere over the Rainbow", but you'll have to listen to find out why. This episode we are in the same room! As you might expect, much hilarity ensues.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~17:30 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Integrum. Integrum is a team of dedicated Rails developers who emphasize business value, speed to market, and open communitcation to build remarkable Rails applications. They build software that you've been told is impossible.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
10 Cool Things in Rails 2.3
Haddock Gem - Secure Passwords
Scrap - Rails memory logging middleware
Rake db rollback to common
Scaling Rails in the Cloud SXSW Talk
Using Git Submodules for Shared Rails Components
Push and Pull Databases using the Taps Gem
tekniqal Ruby Screencasts
ck_fu environment bar
Testing outbound emails with Cucumber
harsh syntax highlighter for Rails
auto_html rails plugin
Ruby script to generate weekly Twitter links
Ruby 1.9's String support
Help Gregory Brown build RubyBestPractices.com
Rails Searchable API Doc
Ruby 1.9 or Bust
Authlogic 2.0 with OpenID goodness
Episode 72.This week we're back with improved audio quality on both sides of the microphone, and all of the great Ruby and Rails news from this week.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~12:30 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Hashrocket. Hashrocket is an expert consultancy group that uses best-of-breed technologies like Ruby on Rails to deliver the highest quality software in the least amount of time.
Phusion Passenger 2.1.2 Final
JRuby 1.2.0 Released
HPricot 0.7
New Relic Notify
7 Minute Abs
Moonshine - deployment and configuration done right
Google Summer of Code
MountainWest RubyConf Videos Up!
Rails is Officially not in the Ghetto
Watir Podcast
You've got Rails! - Template Creator
Hancock-Client : Sinatra Middleware
validates_timeliness plugin
Using default_scope to recreate acts_as_paranoid
TwitterAuth: For Near-Instant Twitter Apps
Using cucumber for acceptance testing
Episode 71. TMI Edition.
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~20 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Hashrocket. Hashrocket is an expert consultancy group that uses best-of-breed technologies like Ruby on Rails to deliver the highest quality software in the least amount of time.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Riding Rails: Rails 2.3: Templates, Engines, Rack, Metal, much more!
- MacRuby
- the Rubyist
- Rails Prescriptions
- Red Artisan: Comma, CSV for all
- How to Get A Job at a Top Ruby Shop
- Effluxion - JSON Meets Tokyo Cabinet (and More!): CloudKit 0.11.0 Released
- M4DBI - Models (and more) for DBI
- faithfulgeek's naked_rack at master - GitHub
- purzelrakete's mini at master - GitHub
- Twibot: A microframework for Twitter bots in Ruby / Ruby - cjohansen.no
- Rails Searchable API Doc
- Aissac Blog » Member Extension
- Radiant CMS - Extension Registry
- Nodeta » Blog Archive » Stopping your Rails application with Phusion Passenger
- RailsCamp.au 5 - May 15-18th 2018
- Locos X Rails
- Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise
Episode 70. I was going to try and copy G from last week but my dog can't talk yet to do the introduction. Darn obedience classes. Obie Fernandez from Hashrocket co-hosts this week and we have a blast. I hope you all enjoy the show and am sorry for the delay. But it's a good one, I promise!
Subscribe via iTunes - iTunes only link.
Download the podcast ~35 mins MP3.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by Hashrocket. Hashrocket is an expert consultancy group that uses best-of-breed technologies like Ruby on Rails to deliver the highest quality software in the least amount of time.
The Rails Envy podcast is also brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. They also recently produced Rails Lab, which gives you expert advice on tuning and optimizing your Rails app.
- Riding Rails: Rails 2.3 RC2: Final stop before release
- Ruby on Rails 2.3 Release Notes
- Coffee Powered » Powerful, easy, DRY, multi-format REST APIs: Part 2
- The Merbist » Blog Archive » Merb 1.1 roadmap | Merb & Rails3 news - consulting - training
- Heroku | How it Works
- Is anyone using ESI with a lot of traffic? - Twitter's Varnish config.
- Lark's presentation on Getting Things Done
- How-To Setup a Linux Server for Ruby on Rails - with Phusion Passenger and GitHub - Hack'd
- ANN: Rake 0.8.4 Released
- Dusting off Vlad - Polishing Ruby
- vlad version 1.3.0 has been released! - Polishing Ruby
- state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek
- Sinatra 0.9.1 released! - sinatrarb | Google Groups
- Rack::Test released: Simply test any Rack-compatible app — Bryan Helmkamp
- ZenTest version 4.0.0 has been released! - Polishing Ruby
- Chocolate Meat Mephisto Theme - The EZPZ Way
- Managing Amazon EC2 with your iPhone - The Devver Blog
- winton's ubistrano at master - GitHub
- Shoulda 2.10: time for a little love for ActionController — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
- Step right up, win a $1,295 prize — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
- Aissac Blog » Ultrasphinx search extension
- Aissac's radiant-ultrasphinx-search-extension at master - GitHub
- roberto's intergalactic_flash at master - GitHub
- Obie's BizConf