Oscon Videos
by gregg on Jul 29, 2008
Last week at O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON) I decided to put together a video attempting to capture the essence of the event (I did something similar with Railsconf in 36 minutes earlier this year).
I ended up with is 37 minute video of great speakers including the keynoters Tim O'Reilly, Damien Conway, Tim Bray, Robert Lefkowitz, David Recordon, Nathan Torkington, and Danese Cooper.
Oscon in 37 minutes
View on Viddler
Here is everyone shown in the video. You should really watch the whole thing, but if you want to skip to a certain person just click their name:
Larry Wall, Randal Schwartz, Chris DiBona, Adam Keys, Kevin Scaldeferri, Akkana Peck, John Goerzen, David 'Lefty' Schlesing, Clinton Nixon, Chris Messina, Brian Sam-Bodden, Rod Cope, Jesse Vincent, Darren Hoch, Joey Stanford, Nick Barcet, Gavin Doughtie, Jim Brandt, Ben Bleything, Theo Schlossnagle, Wen Huang, Robert 'r0ml' Lefkowitz, Ryan Briones, Matt Raible, Doug Judd, Vik Olliver, Steve Souders, Clint Talbert, Tim O'Reilly, Leslie Hawthorn, Nathan Torkington, Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Damian Conway, Simon Willison, Dan Mosedale, Jason Hunter, Tim Bray, David Recordon, Scott Kveton, Stephen Lau, Danese Cooper, Anthony Baxter, ongallery, Maker Media, and Edd Dumbill.
Thanks to everyone who gave me their 30 seconds. Sorry if I filmed you but you didn't make it into this video, I had to cut it down to the vids that were short and clear.
If you're wondering how this was produced:
- $150 Flip Video.
- Edited with iMovie 2008.
- Exported from iMovie in mp4 (since that's the format the videos are from the flip).
- The audio levels were all over the place, so I edited the finished audio track in Pro Tools.
- Threw together a song in garage band.
- Recombined the audio track with the video using Quicktime.
- Uploaded to viddler.
- Did my homework, and found all the links for the talks.
Tags: conferences oscon videos Videos |
Sorry, comments are closed for this Post, but feel free to email Gregg & Jason with your input. We'd love to hear it.
Nice job; thanks for putting in all the hard work.
Great video.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. Does Lefkowitz slap you at the end of his spiel? I know he’s excited but geez…
Very cool… Could you post the links to the videos of the talks?
I’ll second Ryan’s request: my google-fu seems weak at the moment, I haven’t managed to find most OSCON 2008 presentations online (I’m especially interested in Theo Schlossnagle’s)
Thanks! I couldn’t make it to OSCON this year but I felt like I was there after watching
Great round-up. Thanks!
Thank you for the roundup!
Thanks for the kind words guys.
You can find a good number of the presentations from oscon here
If you’re looking for actual videos of the sessions themselves, there really isn’t any. Another reason why I thought it was important to create this video.
Another fantastic job, Gregg. Your hard work definitely shines in these videos. If the quality of these videos are any indication of your future work, it’s going to be some pretty fantastic stuff. Thanks again.
Well done!
Just curious: did you use any PHP talks? I didn’t recognize any of the names listed from the PHP track. I know I was recorded, but I guess I wasn’t short and/or clear. At least I was in the background of Theo’s video. 8)
Wow, there’s a lot in there! Great work.
By the way - a ton of OSCON presentations are posted on their site, but the external link for your presentation points to this page. It sounds like a great presentation… Any plans to post it?