Railsconf Videos
by gregg on Jun 02, 2008
Miss Railsconf this year? Thankfully I captured it here in a 36 minute video for you, free of charge. Just hit the play button and let the information flow directly into your brain. No podcast this week, enjoy the videos.
I also uploaded each of these clips separately, so feel free to re-post and embed to your hearts extent. The new MVC videos we premiered at the conference will be posted Tuesday morning, right here, so stay tuned!
Railsconf in 36 minutes from Gregg Pollack on Vimeo.
Below you'll find all the same clips in the video, but separated. You know, so if you really dig a certain clip you can embed it on your blog or what not.
- Justin Gehtland & Aaron Bedra giving summaries of their talks
- Amy Hoy giving a small rant
- Matt Wood talking about the human genome project using Rails
- Obie Fernandez talking about bad rails code
- *Micah Martin summarizing what he hates about web apps
- Podcasters & Screencasters Gregg Pollack, Ryan Bates, Christopher Haupt , Michael Slater, Geoffrey Grosenbach, and Mike Clark
- Jeremy Kemper right after announcing Rails 2.1
- Chu Yeow from Living on the Edge
- Michael Koziarski talking about benchmarking rails
- David Heinemeier Hansson summarizing his keynote
- Bruce Williams talking about the big rewrite
- Ninh Bui talking about phusion passenger
- Jim Weirich talking about modeling systems
- David Chelimsky talking about RSpec stories
- Charles Nutter talking about JRuby
- Dave Fayram & Tom Preston-Werner talking about Fuzed
- Chad Fowler talking about nasty people and Rubyconf 2008
- Josh Susser talking about the test framework dance-off
- *Evan Phoenix talking about Rubinius and git jour
* Not seen in the 36 minute version, because I put it together very late at night. Sorry!
Heh.. doing the whole video thing turned out a lot better then I could have expected. Maybe someone might be interested in hiring me to do video? You know, like Duncan Davidson does photography? Hey, I can dream, right? Oh, and if you're looking for additional Railsconf videos check out these guys here.
Tags: conferences Railsconf Video video |
Sorry, comments are closed for this Post, but feel free to email Gregg & Jason with your input. We'd love to hear it.
Thanks for posting this. I was at railsconf but you can’t see everything so these videos are really nice. One thing… When I tried to see the Josh Susser video it tells me the the video is “protected”. Is there something you can do it make it public? Thanks, again.
Ok, it looks like you just had the wrong link. The link should be: http://www.vimeo.com/1104776
I’ve been waiting for someone to post the videos.
It was great to meet you in person and see the behind the scenes of you shooting these videos :-) Cheers from Brazil
Does someone have an iPod / iPhone version of this video ?
Thanks for the props, the Josh Susser video is fixed, and the video camera I’m using is a Flip video. www.theflip.com
I don’t have a iPod, iPhone version.. but if someone wants to download the video from vimeo and link to one, that’d be great.
Great idea Gregg!
Btw, the video of Chelimsky is still marked private.
All fixed, thanks!
Thanks for the videos Gregg. Fantastic work and great insight for those who couldn’t make it. This was exactly what I was looking for to come out of the conference.
Now if a nicely produced video of the DHH keynote would hit the cloud…
Hey, you do pretty good video work. I usually cringe looking at myself on video (it’s far worse than just listening to my own voice on audio), but you captured my essence well enough that even I could bear it :-) On the other hand, David Chelimsky spoke about RSpec stories. My talk was the Great Test Framework Dance-off.
Thanks for being the roving video reporter. This kind of stuff is great, both for people who missed the conf and those of us who couldn’t see it all.
Wonderful! Thanks so much for doing this and thanks to everyone who was interviewed for participating! I showed it to our team of devs and we all enjoyed it immensely!
Great Job, Gregg. I attended the conference and your video was a great reviews. And several of your interviews covered sessions that I missed and which I will definite look into further.
What’s this nastiness Fowler was talking about? Does he just mean wrt conference slots?
Charles Nutter talking about JRuby
Dave Fayram & Tom Preston-Werner talking about Fuzed
Both links point to the latter video.
i couldn’t make it to railsconf so this was a great video summary. Very enjoyable.
Thanks a lot Greg for this nice little round ups of breif chat with RailConf speakers. I couldn’t come to Rails Conf this year, no wonder it did not sell out :) but I hope more folks will put up their presentations online like Josh did, to benefit folks like us.
gregg, which cam did you use? just curious :) I attended the conference but it is great to be able to watch these snippets! really appreciated! thanks
Great video, Gregg. Thanks for posting!
Hi Gregg,
Thanks for posting the video. I’ve also enjoyed your other tutorials videos. If you don’t already have one, maybe you can do a screencast on how you created your screencasts. What makes yours standout from the rest is the clarity of the video and audio.
Hi Gregg,
I really enjoyed the video. Did you get a chance to check out my fickr stream from RailsConf 2008?
Thanks greg. Love all the videos. Great to get a good overview of Rails Conf and see what it’s all about. I’m based in London and been developing in Rails for a couple of months so it’s a little difficult to justify the big fat carbon footprint that it would take to get over there in person.