ORUG: Eucalyptus & Chef Videos
by gregg on May 21, 2009
Last week at the Orlando Ruby Users Group we had two great speakers. First up we had Thomas Meeks talking about Eucalyptus, which allows you to create your own private cloud (think Amazon EC2 on your own hardware). Secondly Tyler Hunt talked about Chef, a Ruby DSL for system configuration.
I managed to film the talks, which you can see below, and also create an iTunes Video Podcast feed if you want to keep track of when new videos are released from our group. Then again you could also just subscribe to the RSS Feed on the ORUG blog if you want to keep up with what we’re up to over here in Orlando.

View Chef Video
Lastly, we’re always looking for more sponsors for the meetings to cover food and stuff, so please drop me a line if you’re looking to market your product or service to Rails Developers.
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